Tag mathematics

What is special about – 1729? Is it a number, a date or ____?

Most of us have studied, ‘Numbers’ as Quantity, an amount that can be counted. But do we use numbers just for counting? Take a pause and think of different places you see numbers (that are not meant for counting) That’s… Continue Reading →

Remedial Teaching as Concept Class

I believe we all would have seen this pattern, a high scoring student keeps scoring high throughout his/her school life. Similarly, we have also seen (actually ignored) students who have always been average or just passing. Very rarely we find… Continue Reading →

360 degree view at Maths Anxiety

It is no surprise that maths anxiety is common among children and adults too. Individuals suffering from it report tension, apprehension, and fear when faced with the need to perform mathematical tasks. They seek to sneak out when encountered with numbers…. Continue Reading →

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