Tag science

My Experience at Sky Observation Program Organized by Nehru Science Center, Mumbai.

First of all, I was lucky enough to be one of the 50 participants who took a quick decision to enroll for the program. I know a few people who registered the second day when the seats were filled. It was… Continue Reading →

Endangered Science – Teacher Species

What is your favourite subject? I hope you have one! Have you ever thought WHY? There could be many reasons for it but one of the most common reason we found is the influence of the subject teacher. Today we… Continue Reading →

Newton makes its way – Think Make Learn

My chapter on ‘Fun with Newton – Planting Seeds of the Maker Culture’ has been published by Consilience in their first volume ‘Think Make Learn’. You can read the chapter on its digital edition using the below link: Chapter 8,… Continue Reading →

A Lot More Than The Movie Character – Phunsukh Wangdu

Sticky post

Hi, everyone! Last week, I had an opportunity to meet Sonam Wangchuk. Yes, you got it right, our perception of the famous character from the movie 3 Idiots (alias – Phunsukh Wangdu). It was in Mumbai at the UGC conference. He… Continue Reading →

The Science Express at Mumbai, India

Mumbai July 19, 2017 After a bit of delay in the opening ceremony, one could see the emerging strength of Mumbaikars on platform number 10 at the CST railway station. Science enthusiasts, curious children, educators and eager parents of school-going children… Continue Reading →

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